Political Science-[FPSC-U.S A. CSS]-(USA) Political Science Pakistan Constitution Set-(USA) Political Science France Constitution set-[USA] Political Science The State Set-(USA) Political Science Origin Of State Set-(USA) Political Science Origin Of State Set-(USA) Political Science France Constitution set-(USA) Political Science Electorate and Representation Set-USA) Political Science Nature Theories and State Function Set-(USA) Political Science Western Political Thoughts Set-(USA) Political Science International Law Set/1 Sample Test,Sample questions

  A Geographically - Disadvantage - State means:

1. A State which has no natural resources

2.A State which has short sea coast

3. State which suffers from frequent sea storms

4.None of these

  A state is:

1.Bound to recognize a new State

2.Not bound to do so

3.Required to enter into dialogue with new State for recognition

4.None of these

  A State may become a Member of the UN:

1.With the decision of the Security Council

2. With the decision of the General Assembly

3.With the decision of both the Security Council and the General Assembly

4.None of these

  A State:

1.Is bound by a treaty obligation

2.Is not bound till it incorporates such an obligation into its municipal law

3.Is not bound if treaty obligation conflicts with its municipal law

4.None of these

  A successor state inherits:

1.All rights/duties of the predecessor state

2. Only some of the rights/duties of the predecessor state

3. Some of the rights/duties of the predecessor state

4.None of these

  Diplomatic asylum:

1.Is an exercise of territorial sovereignty

2.Is a derogation from territorial sovereignty

3.Has no concern with territorial sovereignty

4.None of these

  International Law prescribes:
A. A form for the making of international agreements B. A procedure for the making of international agreement
C. Neither form nor procedure but leaves it to the will and convenience of the parties D. None of these

1.A form for the making of international agreements

2.A procedure for the making of international agreement

3.Neither form nor procedure but leaves it to the will and convenience of the parties

4.None of these

  The Harmon Doctrine is:

1.Part of International Law

2.Was renounced before it could take roots in International Law

3. Is attempting to earn general acceptance

4.None of these

  The Universal Declaration of Human Rights:

1.Is a multilateral Convention adopted by States

2.Is a Declaration adopted by the UN Commission on Human Rights

3.Is a Declaration adopted by the General Assembly

4.None of these

 A state can use force:

1.When its own security so demands

2. by entering into a treaty with another state

3.When it is attacked by another state

4.None of these

 A successor state starts life:

1.Bound by all treaties entered into by predecessor state

2.Bound by multilateral treaties

3.With a clean-state

4.None of these

 An alien:

1.Can straight away approach his own state for help

2.Cannot approach his own state for help in any circumstances

3. Can approach his own state for help after exhausting local remedies

4.None of these

 Diplomatic Asylum:

1.Is the same as territorial Asylum

2.Is a derogation form the sovereignty of a state

3.Has no concern with territorial sovereignty

4.None of these

 Extraterritorial jurisdiction means:

1. A State has unlimited jurisdiction

2.A State has jurisdiction over its nationals even when they live outside the country

3.A State has jurisdiction over foreign visiting nationals

4.None of these

 In Inland Waters, a state has:

1. No jurisdiction

2.Concurrent jurisdiction

3. Exclusive jurisdiction

4.None of these

 International Law Can:

1.Compel a state to settle a dispute

2.Provide moral support to an issue in dispute

3.Furnish legal substance to an issue in dispute

4.None of these

 Pacta sunt servanda means:

1.A State can violate its international obligations if its interests so demand

2. A State can terminate a treaty at its will

3. A State must perform treaty obligations in good faith

4.None of these

 The Calvo clause means:

1.A State can intervene on behalf of its nationals

2.A State cannot intervence on behalf of its nationals

3.An alien agrees not to seek the diplomatic protection of his own State

4.None of these

 The continuity of states as International Legal Persons is:

1.Affected by change of governmentq

2.Not affected by change of government

3.Depends on the recognition of the new government

4.None of these

 The General Assembly is:

1.The principal Organ of UNO

2.All ordinary of UNO

3.A check on the Security Council

4.None of these

 The Security Council is:

1.Principal organ of the UNO

2.Spccialised agency of the UNO

3.NGO for crisis management in international affairs

4.None of these

 Under present day International Law:
A. B. 
C. D. None of thes

1.A State can acquire title to territory by conquest

2.A State cannot acquire title to territory by conquest

3.A State can acquire title to the conquered territory through the approval of the Security Council

4.None of these

 Under the Convention of the Law of the Sea, the breadth of the Exclusive Economic Zone is:

1.100 nautical miles

2.200 nautical miles

3.300 nautical miles

4.None of these

 Vital change of circumstances:
A. Renders a treaty invalid B. Terminates the treaty
C. Has no effect on the treaty D. None of these

1.Renders a treaty invalid

2.Terminates the treaty

3.Has no effect on the treaty

4.None of these

 Who said,  International Law is law in the true sense of the term :





 Who said,  International Law is the body of principles and rules which civilized State consider as binding upon them in their mutual relations :
A. Birkenhead B. Starke
C. Hughes D. Hall





A lower riparian state:

1.Has no right to share water resources of an international river

2.Has exchusive right

3.Has right to share waters on equitable basis

4.None of these

A lower riparian State:

1.Has no right to share water resources of an international river

2.Has exclusive right

3.Has a right to share water on an equitable basis

4.None of these

A Member of the International Law Commission is elected by:

1. Security Council

2.General Assembly

3.Security Council and General Assembly

4.None of these

A State becomes a Member of the United Nations:

1.When Security Council admits it

2.When General Assembly admits it after recommendation of the Security Council

3.When Security Council admits it after the recommendation of the Secretary-General

4.None of these

A State can use Force:

1.In its own self-defence

2.By entering into a treaty with another States

3.At its own discretion

4. None of these

A State:

1.Can nationalize foreign property without compensation

2.Cannot nationalize

3.Can nationalize by paying compensation

4.None of these

According to the Convention of the Law of the Sea, the breadth of the Territorial Sea is:

1.6 nautical miles

2.8 nautical miles

3.12 nautical miles

4.None of these

Are the rules of International Law:

1.Legally binding

2.Legally enforceable

3.Engorceable by consent

4.None of these

Dejure Recognition is:

1.Legal Recognition

2.Circumstantial Recognition

3.Recognition in Principle

4.None of these

Diplomatic relations are established by:

1.Mutual consent

2.A unilateral decision

3.A decision of a regional organisation

4.None of these

Extradition is granted in case of:

1.Ordinary criminals

2.Political and religious criminals

3.Heads of State and Govt.

4.None of these

For a State to come into existence, one of the basic element is:

1.Possession of sovereignty

2.Possession of ideology

3.Possession of physical resources

4.None of these

Hugo Grotius was:




4.None of these

International Law
A. Is superior to National Law B. Is Inferior to National Law
C. Has nothing to do with it D. None of these

1.Is superior to National Law

2.Is Inferior to National Law

3.Has nothing to do with it

4.None of these

Judges of the ICJ are:

1.Elected by the Security Council

2.Elected by the General Assembly and the Security Council

3.Appointed by the Security-General in consultation with the five permanent members of the Security Council

4.None of these

League of Nations was not joined by:




4.None of these

Minquiers and Ecrehos case was decided by:



3.European court of Human rights

4.None of these

Most-favoured-nation treatment means:

1. A treatment extended to a State s own nationals

2.A favourable treatment extended to a particular State

3.A treatment similar to the one extended to any third State

4.None of these

Non-registration of a treaty:

1.Invalidates the treaty

2.Treaty cannot be invoked before a UN organ

3.It has no effect at all on the treaty

4.None of these

Public International Law is primarily concerned with the rights, duties and interests of:


2.Non-State entities


4.None of these

Rights of land-locked states are governed by:

1.Rules of customary International Law

2.Convention on the Law of Sea

3.Mutual consent

4.None of these

State immunity means:

1.A State is subject to foreign court s jurisdiction

2.A State is not subject to foreign court s jurisdiction

3.A State is not subject to foreign court s jurisdiction

4.None of these

Subject of International Law are:
A. States B. Individuals
C. Both (a) and (b)



3.Both (a) and (b)

4.None of these

Supervening impossibility:

1.Renders the treaty invalid

2.Terminates the treaty

3.Has no effect on the treaty

4.None of these

Territorial asylum is:

1.An exercise of territorial sovereignty

2.Am impingement of territorial sovereignty

3.Granted by mutual consent

4.None of these

Territorial integrity means:

1.A state call interfere in internal affairs of another states

2.A state cannot interfere in others State s internal affairs

3.A State s boundaries are secure and cannot be attacked

4.None of these

The Chorzow Factory Case was decided by:




4.None of these

The concept of State Immunity is:

1.An attribute of territorial sovereignty

2.A derogation from the sovereignty of state

3.Not concerned with territorial sovereignty

4.None of these

The Contigous Zone is:

1.A no-man s land between two States

2.An area of sea beyond territorial waters

3.An area of sea beyound the Exclusive Economic Zone

4.None of these

The eruption of war terminates:

1.All treaties

2.Only political treaties;

3.No treaty

4.None of these

The following are immune under the from extradition :

1.Former Heads of State

2.Former Heads of Government

3.Senior Citizens

4.None of these

The ICJ is:

1.Principal organ of the UNO

2.Specialised agency of the UNO

3.Independent body with its own Charter

4.None of these

The International Court of Justice is:

1.A principal judicial organ of the UN

2.A Court established by Stales outside the UN System

3. A Court established by the European Community

4.None of these

The Judges of the ICJ are:

1.Elected by the Security Council

2.Elected by the Security Council and the General Assembly

3.Appointed by the Secretary-General in consultation with five permanent members of teh Security Council

4.None of these

The most-favoured nation treatment means:

1.A treatment that is not extended to any other State

2.A treatment extended to any third State

3.A treatment extended to a particular State

4.None of these

The permanent Court of International Justice:

1.Is successor to the International Court (ICJ)

2.Is predecessor of the ICJ

3.Has no link with the ICJ of Justice

4.None of these

The principle of ex injuria non oritur jus means:

1.No benefit can be received from an illegal act

2.A legal right flows from an illegal act

3.A state can go on was in case of an injury

4.None of these

The principle of rebus sic stantibus means:

1. A State may terminate a treaty because of a material breach

2. A state may invoke fundamental change of circumstances to terminate/suspend a treaty

3. A treaty stands terminated because of the eruption of hostilites

4.None of these

The principle of rebus sic stantibus means:

1.A State may terminate a treaty because of a material breach

2.A state may invoke fundamental change of circumstances to terminate/suspend a treaty

3.A treaty stands terminated because of the eruption of hostilites

4.None of these

The united Nations is:

1. A Supria-State organisation

2.A creation of Member States

3.Has no Link with States after its establishment

4.None of these

The Vienna Congress took place in:




4.None of these

The violation of constitutional limitations means:

1.A government functionsry commits treason

2.Consent to be bound by a treaty is rendered invalid

3.Treaty stands terminated

4.None of these

Under the Convention of the Law of the Sea, the breadth of the territorial Sea is:
A.  B. 
C. 12 nautical miles D. None of these

1.6 nautical miles

2.8 nautical miles

3.12 nautical miles

4.None of these

Under the Convention of the Law Sea, the breadth of the exclusive Economic Zone is:

1.100 nautical miles

2.00 nautical miles

3.300 nautical miles

4.None of these


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